
Innovation from University to Business – Sustainable restoration of cultural heritage

On 1 September 2020, at 10.00 am, an event in presence and live streaming will be held at the Ca 'Dolfin headquarters - Dorsoduro 3825 / D Venice, organized by Brenta in collaboration with the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. It will be an opportunity to introduce Nasier, an innovative and sustainable method for cleaning in the restoration of cultural heritage. It is an invention born in Ca 'Foscari and has become a virtuous example of the transfer of knowledge from academic research to business. Brenta srl ​​(Nine Trees Group SpA), affiliated to the University through the RICAP Program (Research and Innovation Corporate Affiliates Program), has decided to invest in industrial and commercial scale-up, allowing the development in a range of products for removal of different types of patinas present on various types of artefacts. The cleaning demonstration event will take place on the well in the courtyard of Ca 'Dolfin, which will be filmed and broadcast live at the same time as the conference organized in the Aula Magna Silvio Trentin. . The topic will be explored with industrial and Ca 'Foscari experts. Specifically, the speakers will be: Prof. Elisabetta Zendri, of the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Prof. Pietro Riello of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems, Prof. Vladi Finotto, Delegate of the Rector for Intellectual Property, self-employment and transfer technology, Dr. Benedetta Leonetti, Principal Investigator of Brenta srl, Dr. Irene Scarpa, Head of Nasier Division and Dr. Andrea Castellin, General Manager of Brenta srl. For reasons of health safety, seats in the hall are limited. It will also be possible to follow the event remotely, through dedicated streaming. To register for the live streaming (registration by 31/08): https://tinyurl.com/y6t842fg